Let's Play with Rita!
"Let's Play with Rita" an App Games for iPad/iPhone
We are thrilled to share with you good news: We have just launched a cute and cheerful games App with a refined style and production, designed to improve attentiveness , observation and children‘s memory while having fun.
This Games App includes :
PUZZLES, MEMORY games and some other surprises!!
And it's FREE!!!
To download it:!/id730931774?mt=8
Rita Awarded with Mention in Bologna Ragazzi Digital Award!
What the jury said
This ancient tale of friendship and identity is delivered with luscious illustrations and state-of-the-art interactive elements that extend the ideas of the story beyond the traditional page.
Una lucertola di nome Rita
Rita è una lucertola un po’ confusa sulla propria identità. Prima crede di essere un camaleonte, poi si illude di far parte della famiglia delle tartarughe, finché i suoi amici non riescono a farle vedere la sua immagine riflessa in uno specchio. Solo allora Rita scopre chi sia veramente. Quella di Rita è una storia che racconta con leggerezza e humour la ricerca di se stessi e l’importanza dell’amicizia, attraverso un divertente testo in rima –purtroppo non ancora disponibile in italiano – e belle illustrazioni dai colori squillanti.
Rita, Editor' s Choice Award!
We're quite honored to announce that Rita The Lizard was just awarded an Editor’s Choice Award from Children’s Technology Review
Rita, on the Top 5 Kids Apps!
Rita the lizard is a fun, educational storybook app about friendship and identity. Aimed at children 3 to 8 years old, this original interactive storybook is a fun read for the whole family. With a cute story, exceptional artwork, cheerful sounds and hundreds of interactive elements hidden within each page, Rita the Lizard will keep the young readers engaged for hours.
Mashable - on Top Kids Apps!
We review a LOT of e-books, but few are as beautiful as this 14-screen interactive masterpiece from Spain. Based on the print book, this tells the story of a tiny lizard with an identity crises; each page has something interesting to discover.
Rita Awarded with a Kirkus Star!
Bursting with life in its clever visuals and antic sense of play, an abundance of activity is on offer in this story about a fun-loving red lizard.
Rita, the titular flat, red lizard, is first seen lounging on the beach as a paper sailboat passes by. "Rita thinks she is a chameleon just like her Uncle William," but her bright, unchanging color and strange habits (like snoring while she sleeps on a zebra) don't exactly make her blend into the background.
Rita The Lizard Review
If you are looking for a fun and very unique storybook app for your children – you should definitely check out Rita The Lizard! I really enjoyed this app and thought it was one of the best storybook apps I have read in a while. This app is intended for all ages (though younger children may need help) and is a great read for any family.
November Kids' App Roundup: Ten iPad Apps We Love
Thanks to its beautiful, colorful illustrations, which are reminiscent of the work of kid-lit superstar Leo Leonni, visual learners will love Rita the Lizard. Though it tells a story, the images that comprise each page are the real star. Kids as young as two will enjoy hunting for items while they listen to the narration. There is a surprising amount of interactivity hidden in Rita’s pages, and kids are sure to laugh when they meet Rita, asleep in her stocking cap as she rides on the back of a zebra, or as they search for her atop a giraffe with a very, very long neck.
Rita, the lizard - Editor's Choice
Rita The Lizard (iPad only) is an interactive storybook based on the award-winning children’s book in Spain. It’s about a lizard named Rita, who believes she is actually a chameleon. There’s 14 digital pages and lots of interactive elements to explore, and it’s available in English, Spanish and Chinese.
Overall, Rita the Lizard is one of the better interactive books that I’ve reviewed this year. It’s a meaningful story that’s sure to put a smile on your child’s face.
Rita, the lizard, jolie appli pour les petits
Des dessins magnifiques, une histoire rigolote, des tas de petits gadgets interactifs… L’appli pour iPad Rita the lizard a conquis nos bambins les plus petits. Rita croit que, comme son oncle William, ‘il est un caméléon. Or, et c’est le noeud de l’intrigue, il n’est qu’un lézard. Les enfants peuvent animer les images, et les parents enregistrer leur voix. Un plus dès lors que les langues accessibles ne sont pour l’instant que l’anglais, l’espagnol et le chinois…
Une belle histoire à consommer en famille sans modération !
Rita, the lizard crawls colourfully onto the iPad
One of the storybook-apps that’s recently caught our eye for its bold, colourful illustration style is Rita The Lizard, which was released earlier this month by Irene Blasco Grau.
Based on an award-winning children’s book in Spain, it tells the tale of Rita, a young lizard who thinks she might be a chameleon like her uncle William.
The result is an app with 14 digital pages and more than 250 interactive elements: so lots of things to tap and explore while reading the story (or having it read to you).
As in many children’s book-apps nowadays, you can record your own voice reading the story – we find this is a popular feature when grandparents come to visit, with children press-ganging them into recording their readings for later listening.
The text comes in a choice of English, Spanish or Chinese. But really, this comes down to those illustrations, which are full of character.
Rita, the lizard - Editor's Favorite
What it is: a book about a lizard (who thinks she is a chameleon) and her animal friends. 14 pages with over 250 interactive elements.
What you do with it: listen to the narration or read the book yourself (plus there is an option to record your own narration). Touch objects on pages for interaction and fun animations.
What we liked: the story (about friendship and identity), beautiful illustrations, subtle animations, humor, ease of use, sounds and sound backgrounds.
Rita, the lizard: A beautiful interactive storybook for children
The arrival of the tablet format has added a completely new element to interactive storybooks. The IPad is such a user-friendly and, more importantly a child friendly device, that it now sits right up there in the top interactive learning methods.
Rita, the Lizard is a new storybook application that is not only absolutely beautiful to flip through and interact with but carries a strong message about the value of friendship and identity. It's a gorgeous, colorful, interactive storybook with funny rhymes and a fun and easy to use interface that will keep children happy for hours.
Rita, la lagartija aprende chino
Rita la Lagartija llegó al mundo en 2006 y, desde entonces, sigue cautivando a jóvenes lectores por toda España. Pero ahora le espera un nuevo desafío: hacerse global. Tras algo más de un año de trabajo, la autora valenciana Irene Blasco ha lanzado la versión app de las divertidas andanzas de su personaje más querido. El proyecto apunta alto: la primera versión incluye versiones en inglés y chino. La dibujante prefiere no extenderse sobre cómo está la situación en España, pero considera que con las posibilidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías ya no tiene sentido pensar en clave de mercado nacional.